Category: Faroes
Technical Problems
Scoresby Sund Expedition 2022 Day 32. 12th July 2022 Position: Moored Torshavn Weather: The wind has dropped from F9 to about F7, not sure whether to call that good or not. It was a fiercely windy night here last night. Jannicke returned from the airport because all the flights were cancelled. She has only just…
A short video for a change
Scoresby Sund Expedition 2022. Day 31. 11th July 2022. Position: Moored Torshavn, Faroe Islands: Weather: Foggy drizzle. Sea Condition: Not too sure but a yacht has just been towed in dismasted! Matteo, who has just completed sailing in the Round Britain and Ireland Race in his little Vertue told me to stop posting pictures of…
The trip up here wasn’t so bad after all!
Scoresby Sund Expedition 2022 Day 24. 7th July 2022 Position: Moored Torshavn Wind: Southerly F6: Visibility: Poor. Sea condition: Probably rather rough, but we are snugged up in the harbour Almost two whole days have passed and already the journey up here doesn’t seem so bad. Soon we will be saying how lovely it was.…
Absolutely Shocking!
Scoresby Sund Expedition 2022 Day 26. 6th July 2022 Position: Moored Torshavn, Faroe Islands Wind: Not a drop now. Visibility: Fog. Sea condition: Calm Well Emily Dickinson might describe the first league from land as divine intoxication, but I can think of a few other words to describe our awful journey. Jannicke arrived on Saturday…
A Tricky Call
Scoresby Sund Expedition 2022 Day 22. 2nd July 2022 Position: Moored Ullapool Wind: NW F4 Visibility: Good. Sea condition: Calm. Weather: Sunny Spells Sometimes I wish it would just blow a full nasty gale, then you can shrug your shoulders and put the kettle on as there would be no point in trying to venture…
62,58.94N x 007,24.49W Speed 2.8 knots. Course north. Wind F2 West.
Sumara set of at 03:30 this morning and was followed later by Thembi. We have just heard from Thembi over the VHF and they have spotted us on the horizon. The wind has been fair for several hours and we have made a very pleasant run of about 40 nm with air temperature of up…
We are underway!
62N x 007W. Force 3 Southerly.It’s 0450 GMT and we are just clearing the massive Faroese Cliffs which I believe are some of the highest in Europe (but don’t quote me on that). The tide was just right giving us a bit of a lift and sweeping us along in the calms under the lee…
Departure Imminent
As the winds are easing now we are thinking of sailing on the next tide at 2am with Thembi following the next day. We went for a fine walk out to the island point this afternoon where I asked everyone to pose for a photo looking miserable. I had completely forgotten that we had Dan…
Thembi Stops off at Eidi!
Thembi have just joined us in Eidi. They were going to sail on to Jan Mayen but saw our flourescent yellow radar reflector sheltering behind the harbour wall and decided to stop off to see us.The best laid plans thwarted!I have just recieved an email from Siggi: Hey Alasdair The best anchorage is normally in…
Not a Good Day for Sailing
We woke to creaking lines, howling rigging and a harbour full of white horses and decided to stay put but use the time to climb the Faroes highest hill – Slattaratindur at 882 m. As we didn’t have a map we decided to seek local advice. The girl in the supermarket said there are no…