Category: Jan Mayen
Off Towards Greenland
Position N70,58.16 x W008,41.29 Now I’m sitting on Sumara with John, Tim and Sarah discussing plans for a quick departure. Our Charlotte is off sailing on Aurora for a day trip with some people from the Main Command Station. The grib weather data doesn’t look too good as far as wind direction goes so it…
The Mighty Beerenberg Conquered!
Position N70,58.162 x W008,41.350 Wind northerly Force 4 On 7th July we sailed Sumara and Thembi up the coast 6nm to Stasjonbukta where we joined the Icelandic yacht Aurora with our Charlotte and Siggi, who was to be our mountain guide. The anchorage was calm then but is exposed to the north and west. We…
Another amazing day up here
Position N70,58.18 x W008,41.43 CalmWe went ashore yesterday together with the Thembi crew and decided to walk the five or so miles to Olonkinbyen on the south side of the island to introduce ourselves to the Station Commander (Per Erik Hannevold). Actually we met him en route in his Mercededs Land Rover and he very…
It’s so beautiful!
Positon N70,58.189 x W008,41.469. Anchored in 8.2 mKvalrosbukta, Jan Mayen We have had a truly amazing day. Gentle winds with occasional calms wafted us north towards the east coast of Jan Mayen whilst being entertained by Northern Bottlenose Whales, Fulmars and Puffins. The Mighty Beerenberg Volcano has been very shy and hid all day behind…
50 Miles From Jan Mayen
Position N70,13.2 x W007,53.9 Calm Sumara is still chugging along through a calm sea with no wind. We are going to go around the north end of the island in the hope we can see the glacier snouts. Visability isn’t too bad but I think the island must be under cloud cover. As predicted we…
Two Good Things About an Oily Calm
It’s 05:45 and we are motoring through an oily calm. I’m taking the opportunity to charge everything up. While we were sailing downwind for the last three days or so, the Aerogen wind generator was not often generating any power as so little wind was passing over the boat. I use a bungee strap to…
Magic Carpet Ride
Position N68,39.8 x W008,00.4 Wind F2 Easterly We have had an amazingly smooth ride for the last twelve hours. The wind eadsed off a bit and we gybed the genoa so we are now gliding through a smooth sea at about 3 knots. There was even a bit of warmth in the sun at lunchtime.…
Going Like a Bat Out of Hell
Position N66,57.43 x W007,25.2 Wind force 4-5 southerly. We have had some great sailing maintaining a speed of around 6 knots. It is mighty rolly polly with the boom and yankee pole dipping alternately every few seconds. Occassionally Sumara does a mad death roll and everything flies around but it is great to be making…
Magic Carpet Ride
Position N65,08 x W006,57. It is 1845 and it is curry night. I asked John what type of curry and he said “a nice curry”. We are sailing at 5 kn bang on course through a calm sea with a little bit of sunshine. Soon we will make up time as the grib files (digital…
N63,39.65 x W007.41. Force 1 Northerly. Sunny. 451nm to Jan Mayen
Well who would have believed it! Its a lovely day up here, the sun has a bit of warmth (15C)and it is pretty much calm but sadly no wind. Sumara is chug chuging along but I think we can see Thembi to our port beam so I suspect they are making a gallant effort at…