Category: Scoresby Sund Expedition
Vertue Yachts Website
This is a great website run by Roger Robinson to provide information about Vertue Yachts. Not to be confused with the old Vertue Owners Association website which was successfully run by Mathew Powers for many years. is more archival with loads of technical information but there are also regular newsletters which are worth signing…
And now long trick is finally over
Day 83 Scoresby Sund Expedition Rotherhithe, London Last Thursday we collected our Parson Russell Terrier from the Dog Sitters. My fear that Tilman would no longer recognise me was soon dispelled! It was so nice to see him again. I now can officially declare the failed Scoresby Sund Expedition is over. It is the first…
The long trick is (almost) over -Stornoway to Dunstaffnage in pictures
Scoresby Sund Expedition Day 70 to 87. Although Sumara never made it to Scoresby Sund, our arrivals and departures added up to an even number, so it wasn’t a complete disaster! When does the trip come to an end? It’s when I am reunited with Tilman, our Parson Russell Terrier. I am hoping he still…
Iceland to Scotland
Scoresby Sund Expedition 2022 Days 69. 18th August 2022 Position: Stornoway, Outer Hebrides, Scotland Weather: Windy with sunshine and showers My last proper post was made in Raufarhofn, Northern Iceland. I did compose a quick post when we had our pit-stop in Seydisfjordur on the East Coast but never found any Wi-Fi before we shot…
Sat Phone update…
Day 65 Scoresby Sund Expedition Position N 60.52.7 x W7.38.04 Just SW of the Faroe Islands Weather: Light southerly, calm sea It’s getting warmer – at last! Although we are only making slow progress south, averaging about 4 knots, each day brings a little more warmth. This watch is the first watch without needing to wear my massive sea…
Sat Phone update…
Received Saturday 13th August at 08.47 GMT Day 64 Scoresby Sund Expedition Position: 62.49N x 09.0WSpeed 3.3 kn, Course 165 MWeather: Much calmer now. Force 3 SW The Magnetic Attraction of the Faroes It seems Sumara just wants to go there! The last two days have been pretty awful bashing into steep seas with strong…
Received from Sat Phone…
I received this message from Alasdair on Friday 12th August at 14.15 GMT Position 60N x 11.23W Getting beaten up by the weather.3 m waves and force 6 wind on the nose. Waves crashing over the boat. Unable to make course for Scotland. Hoping for a wind shift soon out
..and we are off – probably!
Scoresby Sund Expedition 2022 Days 59. 9th August 2022 Position: Raufarhofn, North Iceland Weather: Overcast and raining It is our strong intention to sail this evening. We hope to catch the slack water at Langanes at 04:00 on Wednesday morning just before a strong gale is forecast. I’ve had a very helpful phone chat with…
Iceland’s most northerly port
Scoresby Sund Expedition 2022 Days 57. 7th August 2022 Position: Raufarhofn, Iceland Weather: The sun is shining! We left Husavik at 00:22 in the morning which was the moment the strong winds died down and backed to NWbW just enough to give us a cut to clear the headland. Obviously after such prolonged bad weather…
An Important Announcement
Scoresby Sund Expedition 2022 Days 54. 3rd August 2022 Position: Still Moored Husavik, Iceland Weather: Overcast, heavy rain, strong winds. 5 degrees Ice: No Danish update but Norwegian Charts say the coast is now clear of ice The weather is now spooking us. The locals are telling us it is the worst weather they have…