Whoops rather a long gap between posts!

I’m still alive and really looking forward to 2019.

The reason for the long pause was that something had to give way. The Arthur Beale project has proved surprisingly exhausting especially on top of the stress of running my other company so I had to let things go. It got so bad that I almost decided to sell the Good Ship Sumara. Those early year boating job lists were getting rather unappealing. I felt I could do with a bit of relaxing time rather than driving to the East Coast to antifoul etc. Luckily I came to my senses when that wonderful 2018 summer arrived. We went down to the boat, rowed out to the mooring loaded with gear, hanked on the sails and wafted down the Orwell. The sun didn’t stop shining for three weeks of no-hassle cruising and I was totally revitalised. Sumara can not go!

But I was still getting overloaded at work so I decided to sell Flints to the staff so I could concentrate on saving Arthur Beale. So, I now start 2019 with only a small commitment to Flints but loads to do at Arthur Beale and as a treat I’ve booked the Good Ship in for a major refit with Johnson and Loftus Boatbuilders in Ullapool. With the money from selling Flints I’ve ordered a little camper van so we can travel to Scotland in comfort and retrieve to loose gear from the boat. We can also use it for the trail runs we enjoy and for those outdoor boat shows like Beale Park.
Just in case I get bored I decided to take up Will Stirling’s wonderful offer of a place on board Integrity to sail to Scoresbysund and circumnavigate Milneland. Well who could refuse an offer like that!
So Sumara lives on, there will be a little Arctic adventure, a bit of interesting running and hopefully I can launch Arthur Beale on a really interesting five year plan!
Oh, we are going to get a dog too!
Better get on!

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