A large ship manoeuvres amongst the yachts in Falmouth
Log 8710. Distance approximately 40nm.
Again the forecast was slightly uncertain. The shipping forecast said SW force 6-7 later but I could see no sign of it troubling our trip. The grib files showed light winds for at least 24 hours. So we decided to leave at 06:45 GMT. Barometer reading 1004. There wasn’t enough wind to sail to begin with but by 09:00 we hoisted the mainsail and it began to fill. By 10:00 we were gently sailing along on a calm sea with hazy sunshine. Soon the wind grew to to a nice southerly F3 and we were making 4 kn. The barometer is gently falling but by now we were rounding Rame Head ready for a goose winged sail up to Plymouth. We decided to head for Plymouth because Grit needed to get back to work in London and Gudrun was to join the good ship. The train links are good from Plymouth although it was a shame to sail past the Fowey regatta week! We moored up in Plymouth Yacht Haven at 17:33 GMT. Cost £48.00 for three nights – not too bad. Log 8744
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