Tag: #Iceland
Visiting Iceland for Christmas?
Sadly I’m not spending Christmas in Iceland this year but quite a few of my friends are, so I asked Gudrun if she had any tips. Well Gudrun has come up Trumps with a huge list of sugestions and advice which I have attached below.Thank you so much for this I’m sure everyone will have a really…
Journey to the Centre of the World
Descend into the crater of Yocul ofSneffels, Which the shade of ScartarisCaresses, Before the kalends of JulyAudacious traveller, And you willReach the centre of the earth. I did it.Arne Saknussemm. So we are now moored on the tyre wall at the base of Snaefell Jokull. Our long warps are weighted by my splendid bronze chum…