With the boat wrapped up for the winter it is the running season!
It’s now the Thursday before the Marlow Half and I have just ran to Tower Bridge to check that my ankle is going to be OK for Sunday’s race. It has been a tricky lead up this year as I have been away sailing all summer with zero running. When I returned from Alaska, I caught every germ possible from the recycled aeroplane air and lost another precious week before I could start training again.
With just four weeks left, I had to tread a careful path between overtraining and simply not training enough. I mixed running with Military Outdoor Fitness sessions. My ankle is niggling me a bit, but it seems ok once it has warmed up. After some deliberation, I have decided I will go for the half marathon* and just take things easy and enjoy the ride. My prediction is a slow 2 hour 30 minute result if nothing plays up.
*There are two other options. You can opt for a 7 mile route, or there is a new 10 k trail run
Let’s see what happens!
Can’t complain. It was a very slow run but I sneaked in a couple of minutes under 2 hours 30 minutes so that was the best that I could have hoped for. The weather was amazing and I really appreciated the glorious lush English scenery after spending 6 weeks up in the rather bleak Arctic. My ankle survived but has stiffened up now. It needs some rest. My nephew and his partner whizzed around in 2 hours and afterwards we all trotted to my sister’s house for lunch. An annual event which I really enjoy.
But for how much longer? The graph below predicts that I should be able to continue entering until about 2034 although I do hope to finish quicker next year!
As always a massive thanks to all the volunteers who make the Marlow Half such a brilliant event.
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