At least 2019 was a Good Year

It is Saturday 28th March 2020 and I am locked in at home due to the new coronavirus rules. At one point I thought I would have loads of time on my hands but, as I have had to sadly furlough most of the Arthur Beale staff, I am actually busier than ever.

Nevertheless, after a year without a single post, it is about time that I updated the Sumara of Weymouth blog.

Last year was actually a very good year for us with a bit of forward progress on a few longstanding dreams.

Good News Number One

Whitby Harbour Entrance on a calm day

The Good Ship Sumara’s engine conked out on the way into Whitby Harbour. That was good news because we were en route to Ullapool to get it replaced, and this was total justification that I needed! More on the refit later.

Good News Number Two

Parked for the night at Gattonside en route back from Ullapool

We eventually bought the “camper van” that I had been thinking about for a few years. Its not really a camper van as it doesn’t have the built in wardrobe and kitchen units but it does have a pop up roof and a night heater so it is super versatile. More on the van later.

Good News Number Three

Tilman - The Parson Russell Terrier
Tilman – The Parson Russell Terrier with Ella!

We have got a dog! He is an Alfa-male Parson Russell Terrier with loads of “character”, and we love him. He is called Timan! More on Timan later.

Good News Number Four

Self Isolation in Angmagssalik (Photo by Will Stirling)

I didn’t make it to Scoresby Sund – but I did get to East Greenland and it was a grand adventure. More on Greenland later.

Good News Number Five

Arthur Beale struggles on but this lock down is going to be a real challenge. The Great Plague of 1665 started just around the corner from the shop and the company somehow survived that, so there is hope. Let’s see what we can do.

Well that’s enough good news for now!

2 responses to “At least 2019 was a Good Year”

  1. Looking forward to hearing about your Greenland voyage!

    Hope Arthur Beale manages to avoid those icebergs.

    1. Just started to work on it between everything else. Might get uploaded in two batches!

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