It looks like Southwark Council are going to submit a planning application to build two tower blocks on top of South Dock Marina’s Boat Yard any minute now. Being fully aware that they would not gain planning consent if it meant the boat yard would need to close down they have come up with a cunning plan which they state will actually enhance the boat yard!
This is quite an achievement seeing as how the majority of the area will be covered by the footprint of two massive tower blocks. There will only be a very small yard remaining with many boats being housed underneath the towers. There are so many unanswered questions. Most people fear that soon after the 213 flats are occupied complaints of noise, toxic dust and fumes associated with working on boats will bring the yard to a close. They have failed to consult properly regarding their final intentions. The first consultation can only be described as “secret”. After protests, a public one was held where we were divided into groups of about 20 and given about ten minutes to ask questions – that’s 30 seconds each!
As a result of the lack of proper consultation local residents, boat owners and those with a commercial interest in the South Dock Boat Yard all met in the Moby Dick pub and decided that the best approach to safe guard the boat yard would be to hire our own Planning Consultant and a Planning Lawyer. A brilliant team has been found but of course it costs money so a “crowd funding” site has been set up with the aim of securing the necessary fees.
There is some urgency as the council were originally planning to submit an application in May. If you want a fair hearing to ensure a Southwark Council Project doesn’t get waved through a Southwark Planning Department then please consider making a contribution towards the fund. £10.00 would help but £50.00 would be brilliant if you can spare it. If the £7,730.00 target isn’t reached then all the money is refunded but we really hope to achieve it. Please follow the link below to contribute.
We can then get a fair hearing and hopefully save the boat yard for the future.
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