Things aren’t looking so good! Anyone fancy a run?

Poor John has had to pull out because his chest infection hasn’t cleared up yet. We need to find another runner mighty quick as we will not be allowed to enter without five crew. I’ve tried a few people on the Scottish Islands Three Peaks Race website. One has found a boat and I am waiting to hear from the other two. Hopefully someone will turn up. The trouble is that they will be running with me and I’m not very quick and the boat will be very cramped. Ideally a slow fell runner who is not very big and knows how to sail. There must be someone out there!

The forecast shows a distinct lack of wind and what little wind there is, is from the north making it even less likely to move the good ship along. The good news is that there is a lot of sun forecast instead of rain. To save space below decks I haven’t got a spinnaker or cruising chute on board but I might need to get one shipped up if it stays as light as the forecast. The new ship oars are all well and good but rowing the whole way would take weeks! Mind you it is still a few days before the start (noon on Friday) so things can easily change.

I did an easy eight mile run yesterday with quite a few hills and the twisted knee seems to be holding up. I can’t really tell until I get out there.

“It’ll be fine!” as Dan would say.

Off to catch the sleeper train now. It’ll be nice to be in Scotland in the morning.


2 responses to “Things aren’t looking so good! Anyone fancy a run?”

  1. Daniel Johnson avatar
    Daniel Johnson

    Go Sumara …..

  2. Thanks Dan, I hope Hestur has made it to Wales. Enjoy the party.

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