Off we go again!

It’s such a long time since the Jan Mayen blog ended that I am not sure I know how to post it any more. Oh, we’ll soon see. Sumara’s next voyage starts at noon on Friday 18th May. Tim Loftus somehow persuaded me to enter Sumara in the Scottish Islands Three Peaks Race. I think he needed someone to come last, and we are definitely cut out for the task. One of the features of this demanding race is that it is for teams of five. That would be fine but Sumara only sleeps three. It is going to be very crowded indeed. With just over a week to go I am recovering from a knee which I twisted running down Ben Lora a few weeks ago. (There is a new post on Ben Lora 15th May 2021). Hopefully a large dose of Ibuprofen, a bandage and adrenaline will see me through. John has got a chest infection which has stopped him training. That’s good news because he was a real spring chicken on the last couple of runs and I have to keep up with him. Grit is looking even more like a true fell runner and is now sporting Barefoot Trail shoes. Charlotte is in Sweden with Svarte so I hope she is out there training. Sarah has just landed in the UK and we are about to have discussions regarding Goat Fell! Tonight I will put a coat of gloss paint on my new ship oars. They are 9mm marine ply “tulip” shaped blades 900mm long that will clamp onto my big carbon fibre ice poles. They have never been tried yet but if the wind dies they may stop us getting sucked into the Corryvecken. I better get a move on. The website for the race is below but I’m not sure how to make the link.

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