En Route to St Kilda

Position N63,03.7 x W019,25.85
We completed our chores on Sunday morning and Gudrun and I climbed up Heimaklettur, a spectacular hill over looking the harbour and the south coast of Iceland. The weather was perfect and the whole island was smiling. After a swim and hot tub we returned to Sumara to clear customs. This was the first official Icelandic procedure that I managed to do correctly and I was rather proud of myself. The customs officer seemed amused at the size of our ship. We went for an evening meal of fish soup and a short walk to see the Norwegian Church before preparing to set off on our journey to St Kilda. At 2130 we left the mooring but I felt the gear lever was strange and we didn’t have much thrust so we returned to the mooring. The problem was that I had stowed away a fender badly and it blocked the lever. Relieved at discovering this we set off again but somehow the thrust didn’t seem right. I gave it a bit of welly and that seemed to resolve it. We left easrlier than planned so that we could enjoy the view while it was still light. After a few hours of light sailing we were forced to motor again and looking at the latest weather information it looks like light winds for the next couple of days then strong head winds for three days. Oh dear!
By the way Gudrun has her own blog on www.roundtriphome.wordpress.com

Senta at 07.41GMT 8th August

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