Ice and Whales

Position N65,35.66 x W024,41.75. Wind Flukey SW F1-4
I am feeling a little bit sad that we are not going to see Greenland. Perhaps we should have pushed on but decisions needed to be made and I think it was the correct choice. I would hate to need to seek assistance if we made a hash of it. Thembi spent a few more hours in the ice and were rewarded with a pod of killer whales. Their VHF tranmission was rather broken but the words “Adrenaline rush” made it through, so they will be chuffed. Charlotte and Sarah saw a MASSIVE whale on their watch which they later identified as a sperm whale. We had lots of dolphins too. The wolf fish we were given by Jon made for excellent eating with the remains making a Thai fish soup. Sumara is now heading for Olafsvik. We are being swept by a strong tide around the headland off Bjargtangar at the moment. There’s another 50 miles to go. Hopefully we will make it to the harbour before the stronger headwinds set in. Thembi may stop off at Patreksfjordur en route.

Sent at 07.15GMT 21st July 2011

5 responses to “Ice and Whales”

  1. John ans Selma avatar

    Hi guys. Very sorry to hear that the good ships will not make Greenland coast but sounds like the right call and I am sure the bergs are great. Take care of yourselves. John and Selma

  2. Oh , I’m so sorry you’ve had to abandon the Greenland visit! Suggest to start with a “drop-in” there next year, before heading back to SE!

    Im just trying to get my blog on the ROUNDTRIP:HOME project going, – in case somebody wants to follow the project!

    Will be in Reykjavik on the evening of the 29th

    1. Hi Gudrun, Good to hear from you. We should be in Reykjvik by the 29th so it will be great to see you. Sarah and Charlotte’s flights aren’t until 31st so it could be busy onboard! Klemer, Alasdair x

  3. barbara peffers avatar

    Hello from Thembi-Charlotte’s Mother and Father,

    We have so very much enjoyed your Blog, and apart from getting updates on the progress of the boats, we had come to hope to see you here in Ullapool, but I hear from Charlotte that you will be going to St Kilda and not coming down the Minch. That’s a pity for us, but we hope you have a good trip there and then safely home.
    Please come and see us when you are coming north again. We can give you a mooring.
    Sandy met Stuart who was still euphoric and very keen to tell about the trip.
    Please tell Charlotte and Dan we are all well. New baby and family coming north to visit and over the Regatta weekend, Dan’s family including John are coming to
    Ullapool. They have organised accommodation and looking forward to seeing everyone.
    All the best to you and your crew,

    1. Hi Barbara, Thanks for you kind comments and I’d love to meet up when I come to Ullapool. Rumour is there might be a bit of winter climbing under Dan and Charlottes tuition! We are hopoing to sail towards St Kilda tonight but one never knows where we might end up!

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